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    酷派大廈 C 座 12 層
    News 新聞詳情

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    日期: 2023-05-12
    瀏覽次數(shù): 9

    The switch is one of the most common devices in a vehicle, and it controls a variety of functions, such as exterior rearview mirrors, start-stop engine systems, airconditioning controls, drive select functions, power windows and more. A typical vehicle model may use around 20 switches, whereas a high-configuration model would use as many as 30 switches or more.

    The switch can be divided into two categories — onload and offload — based on whether the switch powers up an appliance. In this regard, most of the switches used within a vehicle belong to the offload category. Typical offload switches include an instrument-combined switch, steering-wheel multi-function switch and so on, which require only a small electric current, generally no more than 50mA. The consistency of current creates favorable conditions for platform-based switch connector products. The development of switching modules requires a combination of functional keys by vehicle model and configuration. Alternatively, the number of pins on a switch may vary according to the control strategy. Platform-based switch connectors, therefore, should offer a range of pin counts. It is our opinion that, in general, the number of switch pins should be between 2 and 20. On the other hand, in order to meet pin requirements for large, combined switches, the connector will need to support more than 30 pins.

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Control over an offload switch is achieved via switching of a lowvoltage electrical level, with these typical electric currents: ? LIN line control < 50mA ? Low-voltage switching < 30mA

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Small-Current Connector Small-terminal, small-current features help off-load connectors reduce performance waste. ? Mini50 Connectors, 4.0A current-carrying capability ? ConnTAK50 Connectors, 5.5A current-carrying capability ? DuraClik Connectors, 3.0A current-carrying capability

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    One of the Smallest Terminal Systems in the Industry ? The 0.50mm series represents one of the smallest terminal systems in the automotive industry, which is 50% smaller in footprint than the traditional 0.64mm product. ? The 0.13 to 0.35mm2 range of conductor crimping; small-diameter conductor provides a lightweight harness, and the 0.13mm2 conductor is 50% lighter than the 0.35mm2 conductor.

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

    Molex Automotive Switch Connectors

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