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      Molex Seat Control Module Connectors

      時(shí)間: 2023-05-12

      The seat control module (SCM), also called the seat control unit (SCU), is critical in the pursuit of ultimate driver/passenger comfort. In addition to conventional horizontal/vertical and backrest adjustments, an intelligent seat can offer rotation, leg and shoulder support, and other fine-tuning features. Meanwhile, an intelligent seat can also afford capabilities such as heating, ventilating, massage, memory, greeting and so on.

      Connector choices for an SCM cannot be defined at the beginning of design work; instead, they should be made in sync with the SCM hardware circuit design and software programming. There are nine factors that primarily affect the number of circuits required in an SCM connector:

      Copyright © 2019 2021.All Rights Reserved 犀牛云提供企業(yè)云服務(wù)
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